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Explain in brief any three functions of Labelling.

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i Provides Information: It provides information to the customers such as: a Name of Product. b Name and Address of Manufacturer and Marketer. c Date of Manufacturing. d Batch of Manufacturing. e Date of Expiry Compulsory in case of processed foods drugs. f Contents and ingredients. g Directions for use Compulsory in case of drugs. h Maximum Retail Price Mellether including or excluding Local Taxes. i Statutory Warning For example in case of Cigarette and Pan Masala  j Safety Warning in case of hazardous or poisonous products. ii Helps in Identification: a It identities the product or brand. b For example the name Lux imprinted on toilet soap helps the customer to know which soap out of several is Lux. iii Helps in Grading: a It enables the manufacturer to grade the products into different categories. b For example Hindustan Lever sells different types of tea under yellow red and green label categories. iv Helps in Promotion of Products: a A carefully designed attractive label can attract attention describe the product and give reason to purchase. b For example the label on the package of a Shaving Cream mentions 40% Extra Free or package of a toothpaste mentioning Free Toothbrush Inside or Save Rs.15.

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