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When is an economy in equilibrium? Explain with the help of saving and investment functions with diagram.

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According to Keynes income-employment equilibrium is determined at a point where Saving is equal to investment.                     OrSaving = Investment S = IAn economy has two types of investments: 1. Planned investment 2. Unplanned investment. The real investment in the economy is the addition of planned investment and unplanned investment. It can be concluded from the above equation that real investment can be equal to planned investment only when unplanned investment becomes zero. But it does not mean that real investment and planned investment are always equal in the economy. Thus when we say Y=C+I We actually mean Y= C+IR and Y= C+SHence on combining both equations C + S = C + IR S = IR Thus Savings are always equal to real investment. Fig. represents saving investment view point of income equilibrium. In fig. I I is investment curve and SS is saving curve. I I is horizontal to X- axis as it represents autonomous investment. SS curve originates from the point below origin O which shows that till point A saving is negative. At point A saving has become zero and beyond it become positive. Point E stands as point of equilibrium where I I and SS cut each other. At this equilibrium point the determined income level is Rs. 400 crores.

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