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Ethanol commonly called as alcohol is an excellent solvent is used in medicines and is an important chemical compound involved in synthesis of many chemical compounds. However in spite of its benefits to man its impact on social behaviour has always been questioned. Media has often shown abnormal behaviour of people while drunk It is considered as a curse in the lives of those who are addicted to alcohol. Alcoholic people are not only lowering their metabolism and affecting Central Nervous System they are also a threat to the lives of others. Anger and rude behaviour are some of its ill effects. Answer the following questions based on the above information:i Comment on the statement-should production of alcohol be banned? Give three valid reasons to justify.ii As a student what initiative would you take in the common concern of Save Life Do Not Drink? Give two suggestions.

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i In favour of negative response:a It is used as a solvent in the manufacture of varnishes etc.b It is used in so many ways for medicines.c It is used as a disinfectant.In favour of positive response:a Cause of death of many people.b Many adolescents get affected out of it and become addicts which affects their physical as well as mental health.c Is being misused even where it is of important use for example painting shops industries.ii Initiatives:a Drive to spread awareness.b Skit/street plays/drama.c Organising exhibitions.d Organising debate.

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