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A chemical bond is an attractive farce that holds the atoms together in a molecule or a compound. The element carbon is known to have the unique ability to form bonds with other similar atoms or atoms of other elements. This property of carbon has resulted in its having very large number of compounds. The carbon-carbon band is also known ta be very strong and hence stable.Answer the following questions based on above information:i Name the chemical bond formed between carbon-carbon atoms. How is this bond formed?ii Which two values are reflected in the nature of carbon resulting in its ability to form maximum number of compounds?iii How can these values be helpful in strengthening relationship in a family organisation or even people of a nation?

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i Covalent bond is formed between carbon-carbon atoms by the sharing of electrons.ii Sharing ability to share; nature to share and bonding with others.iii Sharing of ones possessions jobs resources moments with others enable an individual an organization or even a society to live happily and comfortably.

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