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Differentiate between Electrolytes and Non-electrolytes

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Electrolytes: Chemical compound – which conduct electricity in the fused or in aq. solution state and -undergo chemical decomposition due to the flow of current through it.Electrolytes – are ionic compoundsParticles in Electrolytes – ions only or Ions and molecules onlyExamples: Acids – dil. HCl HNO2 H2SO4 Alkalis – KOH NaOH solutions Ionic salts – PbBr2 [molten] CuSO4 [aq.]Non-electrolytes : Chemical compound – which do not conduct electricity in the fused or aq. soln. state and – do not undergo chemical decom position due to the flow of current through it.Non-electrolytes – are covalent compounds Particles in non-electrolytes – Molecules onlyExample:Pure or distilled water Alcohol Kerosene Carbon disulphide carbon tetrachloride sucrose glucose sugar solution.

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