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Define the following terms with reference to a machine a Total load b useful load c effort d ideal machine e ideal mechanical advantage f actual mechanical advantage g velocity ratio h efficiency.

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a Total load : Load lifted by machine + resistance over come. b Useful load : “The load a machine in able to lift.” c Effort : The effort applied by us on the machine. d Ideal machine : A machine whose parts are weightless and frictionless such that what so ever is the energy spent on it same is the energy produced by it is called a perfect machine.” e Ideal mechanical advantage : “The ratio between total load moved or resistance overcome to the effort applied is called ideal mechanical advantage.” f Actual mechanical advantage : “The ratio between useful load moved to the effort applied is called actual mechanical advantage”. g Velocity ratio : [V.R.] : “Is the ratio of velocity of effort to velocity of load.” i. e “Ratio of effort arm to load arm.” h Efficiency : η “Efficiency of a machine is the ratio of useful work done by machine to the work put into the machine by the effort.”

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