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Differentiate between Strong and Weak electrolytes:

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Strong electrolytes :1. The compounds which in their aqueous solution or in fused state are almost completely ionised are called strong electrolytes.2. They allow a large amount of electricity to flow through them and hence are good conductors of electricity.3. In aqueous solution or molten state only ions are present.Examples:Strong acids : HCl H2SO4 HNO3Strong bases : NaOH KOHSalts : NaCl NaNO3 K2SO4Weak electrolytes :1. The compound which in their aqueous solution or in fused state are partially ionised are called weak electrolytes.2. They allow small amount of electricity to flow through them and hence are poor conductors of electricity.The compound which in their aqueous solution or in fused state are partially ionised are called weak electrolytes. In aqueous solution or molten state ions as well as unionised molecules are present. Examples :Weak acids : CH3COOH H2CO3Weak bases: NH4OH CaOH2Salts: CH3COONH4

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