Boojho was having difficulty in seeing things in dim light. The doctor tested his eyesight and prescribed a particular vitamin supplement. He also advised him to include a few food items in his diet.a Which deficiency disease is he suffering from?b Which food component may be lacking in his diet?c Suggest some food items that he should include in his diet. any four
a Night blindness b Vitamin Ac Carrot papaya mango milk and fish oil or any other any four
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Boojho was having difficulty in seeing things in dim light. The doctor tested his eyesight and prescribed a particular vitamin supplement. He also advised him to include a few food items in his diet. Suggest some food items that he should include in his diet. (any four)
View SolutionBoojho was having difficulty in seeing things in dim light. The doctor tested his eyesight and prescribed a particular vitamin supplement. He also advised him to include a few food items in his diet.
Which food component may be lacking in his diet?
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