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Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:Babu had a real passion for the stage;in fact it verged on obsession. In Jatras in amateur theatricals in plays put up by the club in his neighbourhood Patol Babu was always in demand. His name had appeared in handbills on countless occasions. Once it appeared in bold type near the top: ‘Sitalakanto Ray Patol Babu in the role of Parasar’. Indeed there was a time when people bought tickets especially to see him.Questions a When did Patol Babu have a real passion for the stage? b When was Patol Babu in great demand? c What is the opposite of the word ‘disappeared’ in the passage?

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a When Patol Babu lived in Kanchrapara he had a real passion for the stage. b Patol Babu was in great demand in ‘Jatras’ amateur theatricals and plays put up by the local club. c appeared

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