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Sumit a resident of NayaSavera society was violently beaten up by his neighbours on the suspicion of human trafficking. He approached the police but they did not take any action to protect his rights. Identify the body he can approach for redressal of his grievance and give its powers.

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Sumit can approach the National Human Rights Commission. The specific legislation called the Protection of Human Rights Act was enacted by the Parliament in 1993 which in turn established the National Human Rights Commission as an independent institution with powers and functions to promote and protect human rights. The Commission has the powers of a civil court and in conducting an inquiry or investigation it can utilize various powers including the following :summon and enforce the attendance of witnesses and examine them on oath;ask for production of any document before itself;receive evidence on affidavits;request public record from any court or office; andexamine witnesses or documents.Once the inquiry is completed the Commission can make recommendations to governmental authority in cases where any public servant is the perpetrator of human rights violation.

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