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After completing her studies in product design Sarita wishes to start her own business to design products to cater to the mobility and communication requirements of persons with special needs. She told her friend that she wanted to focus on supplying high quality products at affordable prices. The Unique Selling proposition U.S.P of the products would be sensitivity to the challenges and needs of the differently abled people. She wants to employ only differently abled persons in her factory and sales offices across the country. This decision of Sarita provides the base for interpreting her strategy. This also defines the broad parameters within which the company may recruit the persons. Sarita has also to decide about the exact manner and the chronological order of how the selection of the differently abled applicants will be done. In the above lines Sarita is discussing about one of the functions of management. This function has several types. Identify and explain the types Sarita is discussing in the above lines

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