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Describe the experimental set up for obtaining output characteristic curve of a PNP transistor in common emitter configuration with suitable circuit diagram. Also draw the curve obtained. Select possible value of common base current amplification factor α of a transistor among the following. 0.9 9 19 49 and 99.

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Common emitter characteristics:The common emitter characteristics are the graphs drawn between appropriate voltages and currents for a transistor when its emitter is taken as the common terminal and grounded zero potential base is the input terminal and collector is the output terminal. The emitter-base junction is forward biased by means of battery VBB through rheostat Rh1 . The emittercollector circuit is reverse biased by means of battery VCC through rheostat Rh2 . The base-emitter voltage VBE and the collector-emitter-voltage VCE are measured by high resistance voltmeters. The base current IB. is measured by a microammeter and the collector current IC by a miliammeter.Input Characteristic :A graph showing the variation of base current IB with base-emitter voltage VBE at constant collector-emitter voltage VCE is called the input characteristic of the transistor. Two such curves for two different collector-emitter voltages have been plotted in fig.Output characteristic :A graph showing the variation of collector current IC with collector-emitter voltage VCE at constant base-current IB the output characteristic of the transistor. Fig. shows such curves for different values of  IB .The possible value of common base current amplification factor α of a transistor is 0.9

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