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Explain in brief the Treatment of the following Items in Preparation of Income and Expenditure Account i Subscription ii Life Membership Fees iii General Donation iv Specific Donation v Legacy

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i Subscription : Subscription is an agreement to be a part of an Association Club etc. The member has to pay a fixed amount at regular interval to remain as a part of the Club Association. There are two ways of computing Subscription for the Current Accounting Year : Statement Method Account MethodSubscription will be Treated as Liability if :It is of Non-recurring Nature.It is Received for Certain Specific Purpose such as :– Subscription for Tournament Fund – Subscription for Governor’s Party – Subscription for Building Fund – Subscription for Construction of Science Block .ii Life Membership Fees : It is a Capital Receipt Irregular in Nature received once from the Member throughout His / Her Life. It is Capitalized and Shown at the Liabilities Side . iii General Donation : General Donation can be classified as :– General Donation of Big Amount . It is a Donation of Non – Recurring Nature. So it should be Capitalized and Shown at the Liabilities Side of the Balance Sheet . – General Donation of Small Amount . This Donation is of a Recurring Nature . It is expected that such Donation will be Received every year. It is a Revenue Receipt and it should be treated as Income and Recorded at the Income Side of Income and Expenditure Account .iv Specific Donation : Specific Donations are the ones received for Certain Specific Purpose . It is a Capital Receipt and should be Capitalized and Posted at the Liabilities Side of the Balance Sheet . These Specific Donations may be for Tournament Fund Construction of Building Hall Lawn Pavilion Library or Governor’s Party etc. v Legacy : It is the Amount Received from Individuals Received as Per Will . It is a Receipt of Non – Recurring Nature. So it should be Capitalized and Shown on the Liabilities Side . It is shown at the Debit Side of Receipts and Payment Account . It does not matter whether the Legacy is of Small Amount or Big Amount .

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