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What is Cash Flow Statement ? Explain its THREE Limitations.

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A Cash Flow Statement is a Statement showing Inflows Receipts and Outflows Payments of Cash during a Particular Period . In other words it is a Summary of Sources and Application of Cash during a particular span of time . It Analyses the reasons for Changes in the Balance of Cash between the Two Balance Sheet Dates . The term “Cash” here stands for Cash and Cash Equivalents . A Cash Flow Statement includes only those Items which Affect Cash . Following are the Limitations of a Cash Flow Statement : Not Suitable for Judging the Liquidity : It does not present True Picture of the Liquidity of a Firm because the Liquidity does not depend upon Cash Alone . Liquidity also depends upon those Assets which can be easily converted into Cash . Exclusion of these Assets observes the True Reporting of the Ability of the Firm to meet its Liabilities when they become Due for Payment . It Ignores Non – Cash Transactions : Cash Flow Statement Ignores Non – Cash Transactions like Purchase of Fixed Assets by Issuing Shares or Debentures Conversion of Debentures into Shares Issue of Bonus Shares etc. Hence the true position of an enterprise cannot be judged by Cash Flow Statements .It Ignores the Accrual Concept of Accounting : It is prepared on Cash Basis and Hence Ignores one of the Basic Concepts of Accounting namely Accrual Concept .

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