The unit of ele. current AMPERE is the current which when flowing through each of two parallel wires spaced 1 meter apart in vaccum and of infinite length will give rise to a force between them equal to __________ N/m. a 1 b 2 × 10–7 c 1 × 10–2 d 4π × 10–7
The correct option b 2 × 10–7 Explanation:F = μ0/2π [I1I2ℓ/y]F/ℓ = [4π × 10–7/2π] × [1 × 1/1] = 2 × 10–7N/m
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The unit of electric current "ampere" is the current which when flowing through each of two parallel wires spaced apart in vacuum and of infinite length will give rise to a force between them equal to
View SolutionWrite 'Yes' for correct statements and 'No' for incorrect statements. The Ampere is that current which when flowing in two infinite parallel wires one meter apart produces a force between them of 2 x 10-7 N/m.
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