A parallel plate capacitor is maintained at a certain potential difference. When a 3 mm thick slab is introduced between the plates in order to maintain the same potential difference the distance between the plates is increased by 2.4 mm. Find the dielectric constant of the slab.
If d is the separation between the plates each of area A0 of a parallel plate condenser in air then its capacitance in air then its capacitance If a slab of thickness t is introduced between the plates with new separation d’ then its new capacitance As Q = CV the charge on the capacitor is same in both cases therefore to maintain the same potential difference the capacitance C and C’ must be same i.e from 1 and 2
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A parallel plate capacitor is maintained at a certain potential difference. When a 3 mm thick slab is introduced between the plates, in order to maintain the same potential difference, the distance between the plates is increased by 2.4 mm. Find the dielectric constant of the slab.
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View SolutionA parallel plate capacitor is maintained at a certain potentail difference. When a 3mm thick slab is intorduced between the plate, in a order to maintain the same potential difference, the distance between the plates is increased by 2.4 mm. Find the dielectric constant of the slab.
View SolutionA parallel plate capacitor is maintained at a certain potentail difference. When a 3mm thick slab is intorduced between the plate, in a order to maintain the same potential difference, the distance between the plates is increased by 2.4 mm. Find the dielectric constant of the slab.
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