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Nature has provided us with an ozone layer at a height of about 25-30 Km from the surface of the earth so that harsh UV rays coming from the sun do not reaches us. However human activities on the earth have been damaging this ozone layed and it is believed that a hole has been created in this layer.Similarly due to certain other human activities on the earth such as burning of fossil fuels etc.. a no. Of pollution gases such as oxides of N2 oxides of sulphur and unburnt hydrocarbon are entering ith the atmosphere besides particles of soot fly ash and other chemicals produced or used by the industries. i Which activated on the earth has been depletion of ozone layer? What is the most serious effect? what has been done to protect ozone layer? ii Presence of polluting gases hydrocarbons and particulates result into formation of smog. What should be done to prevent the formation of smog? iii CO2 gas is normal concentration is not a pollutant.Rather it is needed for photosynthesis in plants.However if present in larger amounts it has serious consequences.How? what should done to maintain a proper balance of CO2 in atmosphere?

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