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A Galvanometer is an instrument that can be used to construct an ammeter for measuring current. It can be used to convert to a voltmeter. It can also be used as a multimeter. In all cases resistance must be connected to galvanometer either in series or in parallel to effect the change. To turn into an ammeter a low resistance in parallel of suitable value and to convert to a voltmeter a resistance is connected in series. You are given a galvanometer for which a current of 10 mA is required for full deflection. The internal resistance of the galvanometer is 100 ohm.Then answer the following questionsWhich of the following formula correctly applies to the ammeter circuit. 1  VR > Vr 2  Vr > VR 3  VR = Vr4  more information required

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Correct option    3  VR = VrExplanation:Resistance R is connected in parallel with galvanometer. Hence Vr = VR

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