
Which of the statements is/are true about the reactivity of halogenation of alkanes? The reactivity order is F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2I. Lower the activation energy for the chain initiation step more reactive is the halogenII. Lower the activation energy for the first chain propagation step more reactive is the halogenIII. More negative is the overall heat of the reaction ∆Hr0 of halogenation of alkane more reactive is the halogenIV. Lower the activation energy for the second chain propagation step more reactive is the halogen.A I II B I II III C II IIID II III IV

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Correct option C II IIIExplanation: There are two factors that determine the reactivity of the halogenation of alkanes.1. Lesser the position value of Eact of the first chain propagating step more reactive is the halogen.2. Higher the negative values of overall heat of reaction ∆Hr° more reactive is the halogen. This explains high reactivity and explosive violence with which F2 reacts with CH4

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