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Answer the following questions : i Why do soaps not work in hard water ? ii What are the main constituents of dettol? iii How do antiseptics differ from disinfectants?

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i Hard water contains calcium and magnesium salts. In hard water soaps get precipitated as calcium and magnesium soaps which being insoluble stick to the clothes as gummy mass.ii Chloroxylenol and a-terpineol in a suitable solvent.iii Antiseptics are chemical substances which prevent the growth of microorganisms and may even kill them but are not harmful to human or animal tissues. Examples are dettol and savlon. They are generally applied on wounds ulcers cuts and diseased skin surfaces. Furacin and soframycin are well-known antiseptic creams.Disinfectants are chemical substances which kill microorganisms but are not safe to be applied to the living tissues. These are generally used to kill microorganisms present in the toilets drains floors etc. Some common examples of disinfectants are phenol ³1% solution and chlorine 0.2 to 0.4 ppm.

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