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a Complete the following reactions in an aqueous medium:i MnO4- +C2O42- + H+ →ii Cr2O72- + H2S + H+  →b How would you account for the following:i Metal-metal bonding is more extensive in the 4d and 5d series of transition elements than the 3d series.ii Mn III undergoes disproportionation reaction easily.iii Co II is easily oxidised in the presence of strong ligands.

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b i The catalytic activity of transition metals and their compounds is attributed to the following reasons: Because of their variable oxidation states transition metals form unstable intermediate compounds and provide a new path with lower activation for the reaction. In some cases the transition metal provides a suitable large surface area with free valencies on which reactants are adsorbed. In general in the same group of d block elements the 4d and 5d transition element has larger size than that of 3d elements. Thus the valence electrons are less lightly held and hence can form metal-metal bond more frequently.ii Mn3+ is less stable and changes to Mn2+ which is more stable due to half filled d-orbital configuration. That is why Mn3+ undergoes disproportionation reaction.iii Co III has electric configuration 3d 4s i.e. it has three unpaired electron. In the presence of strong ligands two unpaired electrons in 3d subshell pair up and third unpaired electron shift to higher energy subshell from where it can be easily lost and hence oxidised to CoIII.

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