In the Bohr model of the hydrogen-like atom of atomic number Z the atomic energy levels of a single-electron are quantized with values given bywhere m is the mass of the electron e is the electronic charge and n is an integer greater than zero principal quantum numberWhat additional quantum numbers are needed to specify fully an atomic quantum state and what physical quantities do they quantify? List the allowed quantum numbers for n = 1 and n = 2 and specify fully the electronic quantum numbers for the ground state of the Carbon atom atomic number Z = 6
Apart from the principle quantum number n three other quantum numbers are required to specify fully an atomic quantum state viz l the orbital angular quantum number ml the magnetic orbital angular quantum number and ms the magnetic spin quantum number. For n = 1 l = 0 if there is only one electron as in H-atom then it will be in 1s orbit. The total angular momentum J = l ± 1/2 so that J = 1/2. In the spectroscopic notation 2s+1LJ the ground state is therefore a 2S1/2 state. For n = 2 the possible states are 2S and 2P. if there are two electrons as in helium atom both the electrons can go into the K-shell n = 1 only when they have antiparallel spin direction ↑↓ on account of Pauli’s principle. This is because if the spins were parallel all the four quantum numbers would be the same for both the electrons n = 1 l = 0 ml = 0 ms = +1/2. Therefore in the ground state S = 0 and since both electrons are 1s electrons L = 0. Thus the ground state is a S state closed shell. A triplet state is not given by this electron configuration. An excited state results when an electron goes to a higher orbit. Then both electrons can have in addition the same spin direction that is we can have S = 1 as well as S = 0 Excited triplet and singlet spin states are possible orthohelium and parahelium. The lowest triplet has the electron configuration 1s 2s it is a 3s1 state. It is a metastable state. The corresponding singlet state is 21S0 and lies somewhat higher. Carbon has six electrons. The Pauli principle requires the ground state configuration 1S2 2S2 2P2. The superscripts indicate the number of electrons in a given state.
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