Doubtnut Promotions Sticky


Unscramble the letters to form new words and use these words to form meaningful sentences: 1. cavaontis ...... – I will visit my grandma’s place in the vacations. 2. riousculy ....... – I was waiting curiously for my batting turn. 3. netrsly ....... – The teacher asked sternly for the completed assignments. 4. ergae ....... – He is eager to join our music band. 5. feropssnio ....... – My brother is a lawyer by profession.

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1. cavaontis Vacations – I will visit my grandma’s place in the vacations. 2. riousculy curiously – I was waiting curiously for my batting turn. 3. netrsly sternly – The teacher asked sternly for the completed assignments. 4. ergae eager – He is eager to join our music band. 5. feropssnio profession – My brother is a lawyer by profession.

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