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A young double slit experiment is performed with white light which of the following statements are correct for interference fringes?a The fringe next to the central maxima will be violetb The central fringe will be white c There will be some dark fringes on the screen d Dark fringes arise due to overlap of fringes produced by different wavelength

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Correct option  a and bExplanation:The fringe next to the central maxima will be in the order of violet indigo blue green yellow orange and red according to their increasing wavelength. Because the position of fringes is directly proportional to wavelength as γ = m Dλ/db The path difference between two interfering waves isΔ = d sinθAt the centre of screen θ = 0 thus path difference will be zero irrespective of wavelength. Zero path difference leads to interference maxima at the centre of screen for all the wavelength as a result central fringe will be white. c and d there will be no dark fringes as some of the maxima’s will overlap to minima and give band of non-zero intensity.

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