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Explain the principle on which Van de Graaff generator operates. Draw a labelled schematic sketch and write briefly its working. A Van de Graaff type generator is capable of building up potential difference of 15 x 106V. The dielectric strength of the gas surrounding the electrode is 5 x 107Vm-1. What is the minimum radius of the spherical shell required.

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This is a machine that can build up high voltages of the order of a few million volts. Principle: It is based on the following two electrostatic phenomena: i The charge always resides on the outer surface of a hollow conductor. ii The electric discharge in air or a gas takes place readily at the pointed ends of the conductors. Construction. It consists of a large hollow metallic sphere S mounted on two insulating columns A and B and an endless belt of rubber or silk is made to run on two pulleys P1  and P2 by the means of an electric motor. C1 and C2  are two sharp metallic spikes in the form of combs. The lower comb C1  is connected to the positive terminal of a very high voltage source HTS ≈104volts  and the upper comb C2  is connected to the inner surface of metallic sphere S.Working: When comb C1  is given very high potential then it produces ions in its vicinity due to action of sharp points. The positive ions so produced get sprayed on the belt due to the repulsion between positive ions and comb C1. These positive ions are carried upward by the moving belt. The pointed end of C2  just touches the belt. The comb C2  collects positive charge from the belt which immediately moves to the outer surface of sphere S. As the belt goes on revolving it continues to take + charge upward which is collected by comb C2  and transferred to outer surface of sphere S. Thus the outer surface of metallic sphere S gains positive charge continuously and its potential rises to a very high value. When the potential of a metallic sphere gains very high value the dielectric strength of surrounding air breaks down and its charge begins to leak to the surrounding air. The maximum potential is reached when the rate of leakage of charge becomes equal to the rate of charge transferred to the sphere. To prevent leakage of charge from the sphere the generator is completely enclosed in an earthed connected steel tank which is filled with air under high pressure. Van de Graaff generator is used to accelerate stream of charged particles to very high velocities. Such a generator is installed at IIT Kanpur which accelerates charged particles upto 2MeV energy. Due to a charged shell radius R the maximum electric field is at the surface of the shell. If maximum charge is Q then

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