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Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:i. Acetophenone and Benzophenone   ii. Phenol and Benzoic acidiii. Benzoic acid and ethyl benzoate      iv. Benzaldehyde and acetophenonev. Ethanal and propanal

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Acetophenone and Benzophenone: Acetophenone being a methyl ketone when treated with NaOI I2 / NaOH gives yellow precipitate of iodoform whereas benzophenone does not.ii. Phenol and Benzoic acid: Phenol is a weak acid it does not react with weak base NaHCO3 whereas benzoic acid is a strong acid. It reacts with NaHCO3 to form a sodium salt alongwith evolution of CO2.iii. Benzoic acid and ethyl benzoate: Benzoic acid is a carboxylic acid and reacts with NaHCO3 to form a sodium salt alongwith evolution of CO2. Ethylbenzoate is an ester. It does not react with NaHCO3.iv. Benzaldehyde and acetophenone: Benzaldehyde being an aldehyde reduces Tollen’s reagent to shining silver mirror whereas acetophenone being a ketone does not.v. Ethanal and propanal: Ethanal contains CH3CO group. Hence on treatment with NaOI I2 / NaOH gives yellow precipitate of iodoform whereas propanal does not.

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