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Of the religious traditions discussed in this chapter is there any that is practised in your neighbourhood? What are the religious texts used today an how are they preserved and transmitted? Are images used in worship? If so are these similar to or different from those described in this chapter? Describe the buildings used for religious : activities today comparing them with early stupas and temples.

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The chapter discuss the religious traditions of ancient India which included Hinduism Jainism Buddhism so on. As I live in the walled city of Delhi have seen people practising all these traditions. The religious textbooks of all religions are preserved and kept with great respect. They have been translated in many languages including many regional languages of the country. Now they are also preserved in the form of CD and other modern devices. Images are also used by worshippers of these religions. The Hindus deities have almost same images as they had in the past. Jains and Buddhists also use images.Temples are used by hindus buddhists and jams. Mosques are made by muslims and churches by the Christians. The structure of all these are different but with some similarities too.

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