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Draw a schematic sketch of a cyclotron. Explain briefly how it works and how its is used to accelerate the charged particles. i Show that time period of ions in a cyclotron is independent of both the speed and radius of circular path.  ii What is resonace condition? How is it used to accelerate the charged particles?

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Working: The principle of action of the apparatus is shown in fig. The positive ions produced from a source S at the centre are accelerated by a dee which is at negative potential at that moment. Due to the presence of perpendicular magnetic field the ion will move in a circular path inside the dees. The magnetic field and the frequency of the applied voltages are so chosen that as the ion comes out of a dee the dees change their polarity positive becoming negative and vice-versa and the ion is further accelerated and moves with higher velocity along a circular path of greater radius. The phenomenon is continued till the ion reaches at the periphery of the dees where an auxiliary negative electrode deflecting plate deflects the accelerated ion on the target to be bombarded. The function of electric field is to accelerate the charged particle and so to impart energy to the charged particle. The function of magnetic field is to provide circular path to charged particle and so to provide the location where charged particle is capable of gaining energy from electric field. i Expression for Period of Revolution Suppose the positive ion with charge q moves in a dee with a velocity v then where m is the mass and r the radius of the path of ion in the dee and B is the strength of the magnetic field. The angular velocity w of the ion is given by The time taken by the ion in describing a semi circle i.e. in turning through an angle π isThus the time is independent of the speed of the ion. ii Resonance Condition: The condition of working of cyclotron is that the frequency of radio frequency alternating potential must be equal to the frequency of revolution of charged particles within the dees. This is called resonance condition. Now for the cyclotron to work the applied alternating potential should also have the same semi-periodic time T/2 as that taken by the ion to cross either dee i.e. This is the expression for period of revolution. Obviously period of revolution is independent ofspeed  of charged particle and radius of circular path.

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