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Like a huge Python winding round and round The rugged trunk indented deep with scars Up to its very summit near the stars A creeper climbs in whose embraces bound No other tree could live. But gallantly The giant wears the scarf and flowers are hung In crimson clusters all the boughs among Whereon all day are gathered bird and bee; And oft at night the garden overflows With one sweet song that seems to have no close Sung darkling from our tree while men repose.

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Reference : This stanza has been taken from the poem Our Casuarina Tree composed by Toru Dutt. [ N.B.: The above reference will be used for all the explanations of this poem. ]Context: In these lines the poetess expresses her intense love for nature. Mainly she describes the Casuarina tree. She loves this tree more because she has played with her companions beneath it. The sweet memories of the past are associated with the tree.Explanation: In this opening stanza the poetess describes the Casuarina tree in detail. It is so tall that it touches the sky. It is very strong also. A creeper has embraced it on all sides so tightly that there are many marks like wounds. Other tree could not have lived so long in so tight embrace. The sweet chirping song of the birds and melodious music and humming of bees give joy to the poetess. This song comes from the tree even in the dark while people are taking rest in the night.