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a Two straight long parallel conductors carry currents I1 and I2 in the same direction. Deduce the expression for the force per unit length between them. Depict the pattern of magnetic field lines around them. b A rectangular current carrying loop EFGH is kept in a uniform magnetic field as shown in the fig. i What is the direction of the magnetic moment of the current loop? ii When its the torque acting on the loop a maximum b zero?

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a Suppose two long thin straight conductors or wires PQ and RS are placed parallel to each other in vacuum or air carrying currents I1 and I2 respectively. It has been observed experimentally that when the currents in the wire are in the same direction they experience an attractive force fig. a and when they carry currents in opposite directions they experience a repulsive force fig. b. Let the conductors PQ and RS carry currents I1 and I2 in same direction and placed at separation r. fig.. Consider a current–element ‘ab’ of length ΔL of wire RS. The magnetic field produced by current-carrying conductor PQ at the location of other wire RSAccording to Maxwell’s right hand rule or right hand palm rule no. 1 the direction of B1  will be perpendicular to the plane of paper and directed downward. Due to this magnetic field each element of other wire experiences a force. The direction of current element is perpendicular to the magnetic field; therefore the magnetic force on element ab of length ΔLThe total force on conductor of length L will beForce acting on per unit length of conductorAccording to Fleming’s left hand rule the direction of magnetic force will be towards PQ i.e. the force will be attractive. i The magnetic field lies due to two current carrying parallel wires are shown in figureThe force between parallel wiresii We know that parallel currents attract and opposite currents repel and F α 1/r. As wire of loop carrying opposite current is nearer so the net froce acting on the loop is repulsive.b i Direction of magnetic moment m of the current loop is perpendicular to the plane ofpaper  and directed downward. ii Torque acting on the current loop is a maximum when vector m  is perpendicular to vector B. b Minimum when vector M  is parallel to vector B.

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