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Complete the following sentences with the Subject parts given in brackets in the correct order :1. ............ quarrelled. naughty boys some2. ........... is a famous actor. son my younger3. ....... is our duty. to the pay taxes4. ......... told an interesting story. grandmother my5. ......... have arrived. all friends my6. ........ wept. man kind a7. ....... is dishonest. tall that man8. ......... is in the room. brother elder shashis9. ........ flew away. black a sitting in the tree bird10. ........ is a doctor. younger my brother in Agra

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1. Some naughty boys quarrelled. 2. My younger son is a famous actor. 3. To pay the taxes is our duty. 4. My grandmother told an interesting story. 5. My all friends have arrived. 6. A kind man wept. 7. That tall man is dishonest. 8. Shashi’s elder brother is in the room. 9. A black bird sitting in the tree flew away. 10. My younger brother in Agra is a doctor.

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