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Derive an equations of force exerted by photons on a surface with using the cases.

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We know that when photons of light is incident on a surface the change in momentum of photons takes place resulting in a force exertion by the photons on the surface. Let light of power W is incident on a surface.Each photon carries energy hv and momentum = hv/c   .....iEnergy incident in unit time =Wby the definition of power But power is given byForce exerted by photons on a perfectly absorbing surface :In this case change of momentum suffered by each photon = hv/cusing equationiii we getforce = W/hv x hv/c = W/cthus F = W/c for a perfectly absorbing surface.Force exerted by photons on a perfectly reflecting surface: In this case change of momentum suffered by Force exerted by photons on a surface of reflection coefficient ρ:In this case momentum of incident photon = hv/c  Momentum of reflected photon = ρ hv/c

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