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In Fig. 1.86 compute the relative potentials of points A B C D and E which i point A is grounded and ii point D is grounded. Does it affect the circuit operation or potential difference between any pair of points?

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As seen the two batteries have been connected in series opposition. Hence net circuit voltage = 34 − 10 = 24 V Total circuit resistance = 6 + 4 + 2 = 12 Ω Hence the circuit current = 24/12 = 2 A Drop across 2 Ω resistor = 2 × 2 = 4 V  Drop across 4 Ω resistor = 2 × 4 = 8 V Drop across 6 Ω resistor = 2 × 6 = 12 Vi Since point B is directly connected to the positive terminal of the battery whose negative terminal is earthed hence VB = + 34 V. Since there is a fall of 4 V across 2 Ω resistor VC = 34 − 4 = 30V As we go from point C to D i.e. from positive terminal of 10-V battery to its negative terminal there is a decrease in potential of 10 V. Hence VD = 30 − 10 = 20 i.e. point D is 20 V above the ground A. Similarly VE = VD − voltage fall across 4Ω resistor = 20 − 8 = + 12VAlso VA = VE − fall across 6Ω resistor = 122 × 6 = 0 V ii In Fig. 1.87 point D has been taken as the ground. Starting from point D as we go to E there is a fall of 8 V. Hence VE = − 8 V. Similarly VA = − 8 + 12 = − 20 V.As we go from A to B there is a sudden increase of 34 V because we are going from negative terminal of the battery to its positive terminal. ∴ VB = − 20 + 34 = + 14V VC = VB − voltage fall across 2Ω resistor = 14 − 4 = + 10 V. It should be so because C is connected directly to the positive terminal of the 10V battery. Choice of a reference point does not in any way affect the operation of a circuit. Moreover it also does not change the voltage across any resistor or between any pair of points as shown below because the ground current ig = 0. Reference Point A VCA = VC − VA = 30 − 0 = + 30 V; VCE = VC − VE = 30 − 12 = + 18 V VBD = VB − VD = 34 − 20 = + 14 V Reference Point D VCA = VC − VA = 10 − − 20 = + 30 V; VCE = VC − VE = 10 − − 8 = + 18 V VBD = VB −VD = 14 − 0 = + 14 V

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