On 1st January 2018 Naresh had an overdraft of Rs. 40 000 as shown by his Cash Book in the bank column. Cheques amounting to Rs. 10 000 had been deposited by him but were not collected by the bank by 1st January 2018. He issued cheques of Rs. 7 000 which were not presented to the bank for payment up to that day. There was also a debit in his Pass Book of Rs. 600 for interest and Rs. 500 for bank charges.Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as on January 1 2018
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On 1st January, 2019 Naresh had on overdraft of Rs. 40,000 as shown by his Cash Book in the Book column. Cheques amounting to Rs. 10,000 had been deposited by him but were not collected to the bank by 1st January, 2019. He issued chequs of Rs. 7,000 which were not presented to the bank for payment up to that day. There was also a debit in his Pass Book of Rs. 600 for intrested and Rs. 500 for bank charges
Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement
View SolutionOn 31st Jaunary, 2019, the Pass Book of Rajender shows a debit balance of Rs. 41,000. Prepare Bank Reconcilation Statement from the following particulars: (i) Cheques amounting to Rs. 15,600 were drawn on 27th January, 2019. Out of which cheques for Rs. 11,000 were encashed up to 31st January, 2019 (ii) A wrong denit Rs. 800 has been given by the bank in the Pass Book (iii) A cheque for Rs. 200 was credited in the Pass Book but was not recorded in the Cash Book. (iv) Cheques amounting to Rs. 21,000 were deposited for collection. But out of these, cheques for Rs. 7,400 have been redited in the Pass Book on 5th February, 2019. (v) A cheque for Rs. 1,000 was returned dshounourd by the bank and was debited in the Pass Book only. (vi) Interest on overdraft and bank charges amounted to Rs. 100 were not ientered in the Cash Book. (viii) A cheque of Rs. 500 debited in the Cash Book was omitted to be banked.
View SolutionOn 31st Jaunary, 2019, the Pass Book of Rajender shows a debit balance of Rs. 41,000. Prepare Bank Reconcilation Statement from the following particulars: (i) Cheques amounting to Rs. 15,600 were drawn on 27th January, 2019. Out of which cheques for Rs. 11,000 were encashed up to 31st January, 2019 (ii) A wrong denit Rs. 800 has been given by the bank in the Pass Book (iii) A cheque for Rs. 200 was credited in the Pass Book but was not recorded in the Cash Book. (iv) Cheques amounting to Rs. 21,000 were deposited for collection. But out of these, cheques for Rs. 7,400 have been redited in the Pass Book on 5th February, 2019. (v) A cheque for Rs. 1,000 was returned dshounourd by the bank and was debited in the Pass Book only. (vi) Interest on overdraft and bank charges amounted to Rs. 100 were not ientered in the Cash Book. (viii) A cheque of Rs. 500 debited in the Cash Book was omitted to be banked.
View SolutionOn 1st May 2016 , cash book bank overdraft balance was Rs. 2,000 . On depositing Rs 10,000 into bank and giving a cheque of Rs 7,200 for rent , the balance will be :
View SolutionOn Ist January 2017, Rakesh had an overdraft of 8,000 as showed by hisc ash book. Cheques amounting to 2,000 had been paid in by him but were not collected by the bank by January 01, 2017. He issued cheques of 800 which were not presented to the bank for payment up to that day. There was a debit in his passbook of 60 for interest and 100 for bank charges. Prepare bank reconciliation statement for comparing both the balance.
View SolutionRamessh has his account at Punjab National Bank, Delhi. According to his Cash Book, his bank balance ofn 31st March, 2019 was Rs. 72,950. He sent cheques for Rs. 90,075 to his bank for collection but cheques amounted to Rs. 43,769 were not collected by that date. Out of the cheques issued by him in payment of his date, cheques for Rs. 29,344 were not presented for payment. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement
View SolutionRamessh has his account at Punjab National Bank, Delhi. According to his Cash Book, his bank balance ofn 31st March, 2019 was Rs. 72,950. He sent cheques for Rs. 90,075 to his bank for collection but cheques amounted to Rs. 43,769 were not collected by that date. Out of the cheques issued by him in payment of his date, cheques for Rs. 29,344 were not presented for payment. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement
View SolutionCash Book of Rajive showed an overdraft of Rs. 30,000 on 30th September, 2018 with his bank. On investigation it is found that :
(i) Receipts side of Cash Book was undercast by Rs. 20,000
(ii) A cheque of Rs. 12,000 received from his customer and deposited into his bank was dishonor was passed in the Cash Book.
(iii) Bank had debited Rs. 1,2800 as intrest on overdraft up to 30th September, 2018 but no entyry was passed in the Cash Book
(iv) Cheque issued amounting to Rs. 14,000 had not been presented for payment to the Bank up to 30th September, 2018
(v) Cheques amounting to Rs. 10,000 entered on the Receipted for payment to the BAnk up to 30th September, 2018
(vi) A cheques for Rs. 6,000 drawn by another customer of the BAnk of similar name had been debite to the account of Rajive in error.
You are required to:
(1) Show the necessar adjustments to be made in the Cash Book by preparing Amended Cash Book, and balancing the same of 30th September , 2018
(2) To prepare BAmk Reconciliation Statement as on 30th September, 2018
View SolutionCash Book of Rajive showed an overdraft of Rs. 30,000 on 30th September, 2018 with his bank. On investigation it is found that :
(i) Receipts side of Cash Book was undercast by Rs. 20,000
(ii) A cheque of Rs. 12,000 received from his customer and deposited into his bank was dishonor was passed in the Cash Book.
(iii) Bank had debited Rs. 1,2800 as intrest on overdraft up to 30th September, 2018 but no entyry was passed in the Cash Book
(iv) Cheque issued amounting to Rs. 14,000 had not been presented for payment to the Bank up to 30th September, 2018
(v) Cheques amounting to Rs. 10,000 entered on the Receipted for payment to the BAnk up to 30th September, 2018
(vi) A cheques for Rs. 6,000 drawn by another customer of the BAnk of similar name had been debite to the account of Rajive in error.
You are required to:
(1) Show the necessar adjustments to be made in the Cash Book by preparing Amended Cash Book, and balancing the same of 30th September , 2018
(2) To prepare BAmk Reconciliation Statement as on 30th September, 2018
View SolutionA cash book summary for December is as follows- All receipts are deposited in the bank and payment is made through cheques. On investigation the following facts were revealed: 1. Bank charges of Rs 1,224 which are there in the bank statement but have not been entered in the cash book. 2. Checks for Rs 2,403 that were issued were not presented to the bank for payment. 3. Collected checks of Rs.6,858, which were entered in the cash book and deposited in the bank, were not entered in the credit side of the account till January 2018. 4. An amount of Rs 198 which was paid was recorded as receipt in the cash book. 5. A check for Rs 225 was mistakenly debited by the bank. 6. Received check of Rs.720 on which the amount was returned with the remark "Insufficient amount" was not adjusted in the cash book. 7. All dividends received are directly credited to the bank account. Hence, the entry of dividends deposited by the bank amounting to Rs.558 is not in the cash book. 8. A check which was issued for Rs 54 was wrongly recorded as Rs 594 in the cash book. 9. The balance brought back should have been Rs 6399. 10. An overdraft of Rs 10,458 was shown in the bank statement as on 31st December, 2016. (a) Prepare Revised Cash Book, (b) Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st December, 2017.
View SolutionPrepare Bank Reconcilation Statement from the following particulars on 31st July, 2018 :
(i) Balance as per the Pass Book Rs. 50,000
(ii) Threee cheques for the Rs. 6,000 Rs. 3,937 and Rs. 1,525 issued in last week of July, 2018 were presented for payment to the bank in August, 2018
(iii) Two cheques of Rs.500 Rs. 650 sent to the bank for collection were not entered in the Pass Book by 31st July, 2018
(iv) The bulk charged Rs. 460 for its commission and allowed interest of Rs. which were not mentioned in the Bank Column of the Cash Book.
View SolutionOn March 31, 2017, Rakesh had on overdraft of 8,000 as shown by his cash book. Cheques amounting to 2,000 had been paid in by him but were not collected by the bank. He issued cheques of 800 which were not presented to the bank for payment. There was a debit in his passbook of 60 for interest and 100 for bank charges. Prepare bank reconciliation statement
View SolutionPrepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st March, fromt the following (i) On 31st March, 2019 Cash Book of firm showed bank balance or Rs. 31,000 (Dr.) (ii) Cheques had been issued for Rs. 30,000 out of which cheques of Rs. 24,000 were presented for payment (iii) Cheques of Rs. 8,400 wre deposited in the bank on 28th March, 2019 but had not been credited by the bank. Also a cheque of Rs. 3,000 entered in the Cash Book on 30th March, 2019 was banked on 3rd April. (iv) A cheque from Suresh for Rs. 2,400 was depostied by the bank on 26th March, ,2019 was dishobnoured, advice was received on 2nd April (v) Pass Book showed bank charges of Rs. 120 debited by the bank (vi) One of the Debtors deposited Rs. 3,000 in the bank account of the firm on 26th March, 2019 but the intimation in this respect was received from the bank on 2nd April
View SolutionFrom the following particulars prepare a bank reconciliation statement of Govil as on 31st December, 2014. Balance as per Pass Book on 31st December 2014 is 8,500. Cheques for 5,100 were issued during the month of December but of these cheques for 1,200 were presented in the month of January 2015 and one cheque for 200 was not presented for payment. Cheques and cash amounting to 4,800 were deposited 800 into bank directly. The bank credited the merchant for ₹200 as interst and has debited him for ₹30 as bank charges for which there are no correponding entries in Cash Book.
View SolutionOn 31st March, 2019 , Pass Book of Shri Rajendra shows a debite of Rs. 10,000 . From the following , prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement :
(i) Cheques amounting to Rs. 8,000 drawn on 25th March , 2019 of which cheques of Rs. 5,000 were encashed on 2nd April, 2019
(ii) Cheques paid into the bank for collection Rs 5,000 cheques of Rs 2,200 could only be collected in March, 2019.
(iii) Bank charges Rs. 25 and dividend of Rs. 350 on ivestments collected by the bank could not be shown in the Cash Book.
(iv) A bill of Rs. 10,000 was retired by the bank under rebate of Rs. 150 but the full amount was credited in the bank column of Cash Book
View SolutionOn 31st March, 2019 , Pass Book of Shri Rajendra shows a debite of Rs. 10,000 . From the following , prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement : (i) Cheques amounting to Rs. 8,000 drawn on 25th March , 2019 of which cheques of Rs. 5,000 were encashed on 2nd April, 2019 (ii) Cheques paid into the bank for collection Rs 5,000 cheques of Rs 2,200 could only be collected in March, 2019. (iii) Bank charges Rs. 25 and dividend of Rs. 350 on ivestments collected by the bank could not be shown in the Cash Book. (iv) A bill of Rs. 10,000 was retired by the bank under rebate of Rs. 150 but the full amount was credited in the bank column of Cash Book
View SolutionDetermine the missing values of the Cash Book with Bank Column of Yashika on the basis of following transactions: {:(2018,,,Rs.,|,2018,,,Rs.),("Sept.",1,"Cash in Hand",7","500,|,"Sept",15,"Good Purchased and Paid by Cheque",2","000),(,,"Bank Overdraft",3","500,|,"sept",20,"Paid Rent",500),("Sept",2,"Paid Wages",200,|,"Sept",25,"Drew from bank for personal use",400),("Sept",5,"Cash Sales",7","000,|,"Sept",30,"Drew from bank for personal use",1000),("Sept",10,"Cash Deposited inot Bank",4","000,|,,,,):}
View SolutionOn 31st March, 2019, Pass Book of Shri Bhama Shah debit balance of Rs. 10,000 From the following particulars, prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement :
(i) Cheques amoutting to Rs. 8,000 drawn on 25th March of which cheques of Rs. 5,000 cashed in April, 2019
(ii) Cheques paid into bank for collection of Rs. 5,000 but cheques of Rs. 2,200 could only be collected in March, 2019
(iii) Bank charges Rs. 25 and dividend or Rs. 350 on investment collected by bank could not be shown in the Cash Book
(iv) Cheque of Rs. 600 debited in the Ccash Book omitted to be banked
(v) Bill of Rs. 5,000 discounted with Bank but was not recorded in the Cash Book
View SolutionJagdeep Singh' s Cash Book on 31st March, 2019 showed an overdraft balance of Rs. 12,100 in his Account No. 1 in the bank On investigation it is found that: (i) Cheque drawn amounting to Rs. 4,200 had not been presened to the bank for payment (ii) Cheque for Rs. 3,600 eneted in the Cash Book and paid into the bank had not been credited by the bank. (iii) Receipts side of the Cah Book had been un dercast by Rs. 1,000 (iv) Bank charges of Rs. 50 entered in the Bank Statement had not been en entered in the Cash Book. (v) A cheque for Rs. 5,200 drawn in the Account No. 1 had been charged by the bank erroneously to Account No. 2 (vi) Dividend of Rs. 300 paid directly to the bank had not been entered in the Cash Book (vii) A cheque for Rs. 700 received from a debtor paid into the bank, dishonoured and shown as such by the bank out no entry of dishonour had been made in the Cash Book (viii) A cheque for Rs. 420 drawn by another customer of the bank bearing the same name had been charged to Jagdeep Singh's BAnk Account by error, You are rquired to: (a) show the necessary adjustments to be made in the Cash Book, andd (b) Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement for Account No.1 as no 31st March , 2019
View SolutionJagdeep Singh' s Cash Book on 31st March, 2019 showed an overdraft balance of Rs. 12,100 in his Account No. 1 in the bank On investigation it is found that: (i) Cheque drawn amounting to Rs. 4,200 had not been presened to the bank for payment (ii) Cheque for Rs. 3,600 eneted in the Cash Book and paid into the bank had not been credited by the bank. (iii) Receipts side of the Cah Book had been un dercast by Rs. 1,000 (iv) Bank charges of Rs. 50 entered in the Bank Statement had not been en entered in the Cash Book. (v) A cheque for Rs. 5,200 drawn in the Account No. 1 had been charged by the bank erroneously to Account No. 2 (vi) Dividend of Rs. 300 paid directly to the bank had not been entered in the Cash Book (vii) A cheque for Rs. 700 received from a debtor paid into the bank, dishonoured and shown as such by the bank out no entry of dishonour had been made in the Cash Book (viii) A cheque for Rs. 420 drawn by another customer of the bank bearing the same name had been charged to Jagdeep Singh's BAnk Account by error, You are rquired to: (a) show the necessary adjustments to be made in the Cash Book, andd (b) Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement for Account No.1 as no 31st March , 2019
View Solution