Dinesh received from Shridhar an acceptance for Rs 3 000 on 1st September 2016 at 3 months. Dinesh got the acceptance discounted at 9% p.a. from his bank. On the due date Shridhar paid the required amount. Give the Journal entries in the books of Dinesh and Shridhar.
In the Books of Dinesh Journal
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Dinesh received from Shridhar an acceptance for ₹ 3,000 on 1st September, 2018 at 3 months. Dinesh got the acceptance discounted at 9% p.a. from his bank . On the due date, Shridhar paid the required amount. Give the Journal entries in the books of Dinesh and Shridhar.
View SolutionPrakash received from Mohan an acceptance for ₹ 30,000 on 1st july, 2019 at 3 months. Prakash got this acceptance discounted @ 12% p.a. at his bank. On the due date, Mohan paid the required amount. Give the journal entries in the books of Prakash and Mohan (Ignore GST).
View SolutionRam owes ₹ 2,000 to Mohan on 1st January 2019 on this date, he accepted a draft for the amount for 3 months.Mohan got the bill discunted at his bank @ 6% p.a. on the due date, the bill was dishonoured , noting charges ₹ 20. Ram agreed to pay ₹ 520 immediately and accpet another bill for the remaining amount for 3 months together with interset at 9% p.a.. this bill was met on the due date. give the journal entries in the books of both paties.
View SolutionA sells goods of ₹ 10,000 on 1st March, 2019 to B on credit. B accepts a bill on the same date for the amount payable three months after date. A discounts the bill at 6% p.a. from bank on 4th April.On maturity, the bill is met by B. Pass the necessary Journal entries in the books of both the parties.
View SolutionM/s Shridhar Chemicals purchased washing powder for ₹10,000 taxable amount. They sold it to a shopkeeper for ₹12,000 taxable amount. The rate of GST is 18%, then find the CGST and SGST to be paid by M/s Shridhar Chemicals.
View SolutionX sells goods for ₹ 40,000 to Y on 1st January , 2019 and on the same day draws a bill on Y at three months for the amount. Y acceopts it and returns it to X, who discounted it on 4th January , 2019 with his bank at 6%p.a.. The accepteance is dishonoured on the due date and the noting charges were paid by bank being ₹ 200.
On 4th April 2019, Y accepts a new bill at three months for the amount then due to X togther with interset at 12% p.a.
Make Journal to record these transcations in the books of X.
View SolutionA owed B ₹ 400. A accepted a Bill of Exchange at 3 months for this amount which B discounted for ₹ 380 Give the necessary Journal entries in the books of A and B of this bill is : (a) dishonoured on the due date (b) met at maturity and (c) retired under rebate at 6% p.a. 2 months before its maturity.
View Solutionदिनेश ट्रक से 37500 रु का अनाज बहार से मांगता है यदि अनाज पर २.5 % प्रवेश कर लगा सकता है तो दिनेश कुल कितना प्रवेश कर अदा करेगा
View SolutionOn 1st May 2016, Mohit sent an undertaking of Rs.6,000 to Rohit for a period of three months. Rohit discounted the bill on 4th May 2015 from the bank at the rate of 18% per annum. On the date of maturity the bill was dishonored by Mohit and the bank spent Rs. Rohit accepted Rs. 2,170 in cash from Mohit which includes Rs. 130 as maintenance expenses and interest and accepted a fresh promissory note of Rs. 4,000 for a period of two months. On the maturity date, Rohit accepted Mohit's request on the condition that he should pay Rs.200 interest in cash. Bill paid on maturity date. Make entries in the journal of Rohit and Mohit.
View Solutionदिनेश 1 अप्रैल को बैंक में रु 700 की धनराशि के साथ बचत खाता खोलता है। वह 2 मई , 1 जुलाई तथा 3 जुलाई को अपने खाते में क्रमशः रु 1000 , रु 1500 तथा रु 500 जमा करता है तथा 11 मई व् 4 अगस्त को क्रमशः रु 200 तथा रु 700 अपने खाते से निकाल लेता है। ब्याज की दर वार्षिक है तथा ब्याज सितम्बर माह के अंत में संयोजित होता है , तो 1 अक्टूबर को दिनेश के खाते में शेष धन होगा
View SolutionDinesh who owed us Rs 8,000 became insolvent and paid us in full settlement. Posting will be made to Dinesh A/c:
View SolutionDinesh Chemicals paid Rs. 1,80,000 GST for purchase of some chemicals and collected Rs. 2,50,000 GST at the time of sale. Complete the following activity to find the amount of GST payable by Dinesh Chemicals.
View SolutionDinesh chemicals paid Rs 180500 GST for purchase of some chemicals and collected GST of Rs 250000 at the time of sale find the amount of GST payable by Dinesh chemicals complete the activity to get the answer:
View SolutionOn 1st , 2019 A drew a bill for ₹ 5,000 on B payable after 3 months. A discounted it with the Bank for ₹ 4,850. on maturity , B failed to pay the amount of his acceptance and the bank had to pay ₹ 50 as noting charges.
Pass the necessary Journal entries in the books of A and B.
View SolutionAshirwad paid Rs. 10,000 on Charming. Wrote a bill for a period of three months, which was accepted by Attractive on 1 January 2016. Ashirwad endorsed this bill to Aakriti. Attractive requested for renewal of the bill for a period of three months at the rate of 18% p.a. with blessings before the maturity date. Ashirwad paid Aakriti on the due date and wrote a new bill accepting Attractive's request. Attractive paid the bill on maturity date. Make entries from the Book of Blessings.
View SolutionOn 1st January 2019 , A sold goods to B for ₹ 5,000 plus IGST @ 18% A received ₹ 900 by cheque was duly accepted by B.A retained the bill for the balance amount payable 3 months after date. The bill was duly accepted by B. A retained the bill till due date. on due date, the bill was paid.
Pass Journal entries in the books of A and B Also, Show necessary accounts in the books of both the parties.
View SolutionOn 1st January , 2019 A draws a bill in B for ₹ 1,000 payable after 3 months. Immediately after its acceptance, A sends the bill to his bank for collection. On the due date, the bill was dishonourd . Record the transactions in the Journals of A and B.
View SolutionMohan owes Shynam ₹ 6,000. Mohan accepts a three months bill for ₹ 5,900 being in full settlement of the claim on 1st January 2019. on its due the bill is dishonoured settlement of the claim on 1st 2019. On its due date the bill is dishonoured Noting charges are paid by Shyam ₹150. give the journal entries in the books of Mohan.
View SolutionOn 15th June , 2019 Mohan sold goods to Sohan valued at ₹ 2,000. He drew a bill at 3 months for the amount and discounted the same with his bank for ₹ 1,960 . On the due date the bill was dishonoured and Mohan paid to the amount due plus the noting charges of ₹ 10.
Pass the necessary Journal entries in the book of all parties.
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