Vikas is keeping his accounts according to Single Entry System. His capital on 31st December 2015 was Rs. 2 50 000 and his capital on 31st December 2016 was Rs. 4 25 000. He further informs you that during the year he gave a loan of Rs 30 000 to his brother on private account and withdrew Rs 1 000 per month for personal purposes. He used a flat for his personal purpose the rent of which @ Rs 1 800 per month and electricity charges at an average of 10% of rent per month were paid from the business account. During the year he sold his 7% Government Bonds of Rs 50 000 at 1% premium and brought that money into the business. Prepare a Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 31st December 2016.
Statement of Profit of Loss for the year end December 31 2016
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Vikas is keeping his accounts according to Single Entry System. His capital on 31st December, 2015 was Rs. 2,50,000 and his capital on 31st December, 2016 was Rs. 4,25,000. He further informs you that during the year he gave a loan of Rs. 30,000 to his brother on private account and withdrew Rs. 1,000 per month for personal purposes. He used a flat for his personal purpose, the rent of which @ Rs. 1,800 per month and electricity charges at an average of of rent per month were paid from the businesss account. During the year he sold his Goverment Bonds of Rs. 50,000 at premium and brought that money into the business.
Pepare a Statement of Profit of Loss for the year ended 31st December, 2016.
View SolutionRamanuj keeps his books under Single Entry System. His assets and liabilities were as under:
During 2018-19, he introduced Rs. 10,000 as additional capital. He withdrew Rs. 3,000 every month for his household expenses. Ascertain his Profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019.
View SolutionHari, who keeps his books on Single Entry System, tells you that his capital on 31st March, 2019 is Rs. 1,87,000 and his capital on 1st April, 2018 was Rs. 1,92,000. He futher informs you that during the year, he withdrew for his household purposes Rs. 84,200. He once sold his investment of Rs. 20,000 at 2% premium and brought that money into the business. You are required to prepare a Statement of Profit of Loss.
View SolutionCapital of Ganesh Gupta in the beginning of the year was Rs. 70,000. During the year his business earned a profit of Rs. 20,000, he withdrew Rs. 7,000 for his personal use. He sold ornaments of his wife for Rs. 20,000 and invested that amount into the business. Find out his Capital at the end of the year.
View SolutionPranav deposited in his account on Monday. On Tuesday he withdrew . On Wednesday he again deposited in his account. What is the balance in his account ?
View SolutionMr. Akshat, who maintains his books according to single entry system, is given the following information. He withdrew Rs.45,000 during the year and Rs.25,000. Invested additional capital. Calculate profit and loss of business.
View SolutionMr. Y purchased a flat for 9,25, 000 and spent 35, 000 for its renovation. If he sold the flat for 10, 80, 000 then his profit percent is
View SolutionShri Munish keeps his books of account from incomplete accounts, his books give the following information. He draws Rs.300 per month for his personal expenses. He sells his investment of Rs 16,000 at a profit of 2% and invests the amount in business.
View SolutionSanjay started a firm on 1st April, 2018 with a capital of Rs. 10,000. On 1st July, 2018 he borrowed from his wife a sum of Rs. 4,000 @ p.a. (interest not yet paid) for business and introduces a further capital of his own amounted to Rs. 1,500. On 31st March, 2019 his position was:
Cash Rs. 600, Stock Rs. 9,400, Debtors Rs. 7,000 and Creditors Rs. 6,000.
Ascertain his Profit of Loss taking into account Rs. 2,000 for his drawings during the year.
View SolutionRishi is a partner in a firm. He withdrew the following amounts during the year ended March 31, 2017. {:("May "01", "2017,,"Rs. "12_(,)000,),("July "31", "2017,,"Rs. "6_(,)000,),("September "30", "2017,,"Rs. "9_(,)000,),("November "30", "2017,,"Rs. "12_(,)000,),("January "01", "2018,,"Rs. "8_(,)000,),("March "31", "2018,,"Rs. "7_(,)000,):} Interest on drawings is charged @ 9% p.a. Calculate interest on drawings
View SolutionKrishan started his business on 1st April, 2018 with a Capital of Rs. 1,00,000. On 31st March, 2019, his assets were: {:(,," Rs."),("Cash","...........................................","3,200"),("Stock","...........................................","34,800"),("Debtors","...........................................","31,000"),("Plant","...........................................","85,000"):} He owed Rs. 12,000 to sundry creditors and Rs. 10,000 to his brother on that data. He withdrew Rs. 2,000 per month for his personal expenses. Ascertain his profit.
View SolutionA person distributed his capital among his two sons , wife and brother .He give half of his capital to his sons and the sons distribute it in as per their age .His wife get capital twice of his younger son .If his brother gets Rs. 18000 then find its total capital ?
View SolutionKuldeep, a general merchant, keeps his accounts on Single Entry System. He wants to know the results of his business on 31st March, 2019 and for that following information is available:
During the year, he had withdrawn Rs. 5,00,000 for his personal use and invested Rs. 2,50,000 as additional capital. Calculate his profits on 31st March, 2019 and prepare the Statement of Affairs as on that date.
View Solutionकिसी विशेष दिन जॉन के बचत खातें में 23716 रू0 थे। उसने अपने खातें से 4217रू0 निकाल लिए। रूपये निकालने के बाद उसके खाते में शेष राशि ज्ञात कीजिए।
View SolutionManveer started his business on April 01, 2016 with a capital of Rs 4,50,000. On march 31, 2017 his position was as under. Cash = Rs 99,000 Bills receivable = Rs 75,000 Plant = Rs 48,000 Land and Building = Rs 1,80,000 Furniture = Rs 50,000 He owned Rs 45,000 from his friend Susheel on that date. He withdrew Rs 8,000 per month for his household purposes. Ascertain his profit or loss for this year ended March 31, 2017
View SolutionSumit borrowed a capital of Rs 50, 000 t0 start a busineess of food products. In the first years he suffered a loss of He is invested the remaining capital in a new business of sweetmart and made a profit of . How much was his profit or loss on his original capital?
View SolutionRohit deposited Rs. 125000 in his savings bank account. Later he withdrew Rs. 35425 from it. How much money was left in his account?
View SolutionY started a business on 1st Aptil, 2013 with a Capital of Rs. 2,00,000 and a loan of Rs.75,000 from the bank. During the year, he had introduced additional capital of Rs. 60,000 and had withdraw Rs.36,000 for personal purposes. On 31st March, 2014 his assets were Rs. 3,80,000. Find out his Capital as on 31st March, 2014 and profit earned during the year 2013-14.
View SolutionMr. Mehta started his readymade garments business on April 1, 2016 with a capital of Rs 50,000. He did not maintain his books according to double entry system. During the year he introduced fresh capital of 15,000. He withdrew Rs 10,000 for personal use. On March 31, 2017, his assets and liabilities were as follows : Total creditors Rs 90,000 , Total debtors Rs 1,25,600 , Stock Rs 24,750 , Cash at bank Rs 24,980. Calculate profit or loss made by Mr. Mehta during the first year of his business using the statement of affairs method.
View Solutionएक व्यक्ति P की अपने बचत खाते में 31 दिसम्बर को अवशेष राशि ₹ 4500 थी। P ने 6 जनवरी, 11 फरवरी, 18 फरवरी, 8 मार्च तथा 20 मार्च को अपने खाते में क्रमश: ₹ 1200, ₹ 1600, ₹ 1200, ₹ 600 तथा ₹800 नकद जमा किए तथा 3 फरवरी व 15 मार्च को अपने खाते से क्रमश: ₹ 500 तथा ₹ 1100 निकाले। यदि ब्याज दर 4% प्रतिवर्ष है, तो जनवरी माह से मार्च माह तक P को प्राप्त ब्याज की गणना कीजिए।
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