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Write three differences between metals and non- metals on the basis of chemical properties

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S.No               Basis                 Metals          Non-metals           iReaction withoxygenAlmost all metal react withoxygen to form metals oxide.4Na + O2 → 2Na2ONon-metals react with oxygen toform acidic oxides.C + O2→ CO2           iiReaction withwaterOnly reactive metals react withwater to form oxides or hydroxidesand liberate hydrogen gas.2Ks + 2H2Ol →2KOH aq + H2gNon-metals do not react with water           iiiReaction withdiluted acidAll metals react with dilutedacids to form a salt and evolvehydrogen gas.Zn + 2HCldil →ZnCl2 + H2They do not react with dilute acids.These are not capable of replacinghydrogen.

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