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A light ray coming along the line 3x + 4y = 5 gets reflected from the line ax+by=1 and goes along the line 5x - 12y = 10. Thena  a = 64/115 b = 112/15b  a = 14/15 b = -8/115c  a = 64/115 b = -8/115d  a = 14/15 b = -14/15

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Correct option  c  a = 64/115 b = -8/115Explanation:ax + by = 1 will be one of the bisectors of the lines given3x + 4y - 5/5 = ± 5x - 12y - 10/1364x - 8y = 115or 14x + 112y = 15On comparing with ax + by = 1 we geta = 64/115 b = -8/115

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