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A transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 100 Ω is used to match a 50 Ω section to a 200 Ω section. If the matching is to be done both at 429 MHz and 1 GHz. The length of the transmission line can be approximately. a 82.5 cm b 1.05 m c 1.58 m d 1.75 m

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Correct option c 1.58 m  Explanation:This is quarter wave matching. The length would be odd multiples of λ/4.l = 2m + 1 λ/4f1 = 429MHz λ1/4 = 3 x 108/429 x 106 x 4l1 = 0.174mf2 = 1GHzλ2/4 = 3 x 108/109 x 4 = 0.075ml2 = 0.075m2m + 1 = 1.58/l1 = 1.58/0.174 = 92m + 1 = 1.58/l2 = 1.58/0.075 = 21Only option c is odd multiples of both l1 and l2 .

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