
Explain how many types of belt drive used for power transmission? Also derive their velocity ratio.

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There are three types of belt drive: 1 Open belt drive 2 Cross belt drive 3 Compound belt drive1 Open Belt Drive: When the shafts are arranged in parallel and rotating in the same direction open belt drive is obtained. In the diagram a pulley A is called as driver pulley because it is attached with the rotating shaft.Velocity Ratio V.R. for Open Belt DriveConsider a simple belt drive i.e. one driver and one follower as shown in fig bLet D1 = Diameter of the driver N1 = Speed of the driver in R.P.M. D2  N2 = Corresponding values for the follower Length of the belt that passes over the driver in one minute = Π.D1.N1 Similarly  Length of the belt That passes over the follower in one minute = Π.D2.N2 Since the length of belt that passes over the driver in one minute is equal to the length of belt that passes over the follower in one minute therefore: Π.D1.N1 = Π.D2.N2Or velocity ratio = N2/N1 = D1/D2If thickness of belt t is given thenV.R = N2/N1 = D1 + t/D2 + t2 Cross Belt Drive When the shafts are rotating in opposite direction cross belt drive is obtained. In the diagram pulley A is called as driver pulley because it is attached with the rotating shaft. Velocity ratio is same as for open belt V.R. = N2/N1 = D1/D2If thickness of belt t is given thenV.R = N2/N1 = D1 + t/D2 + t3 Compound Belt Drive When a number of pulleys are used to transmit power from one shaft to another then a compound belt drive is obtained.Velocity Ratio for Compound Belt Drive Speed of last follower = Product of diameter of driverodd dia Speed of first driver Product of diameter of followereven dia N4/N1 = D1.D3/D2.D4

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