
Gopal bought a cell phone and sold it to Ram at 10% profit. Then Ram wanted to sell it back to Gopal at 10% loss. What will be Gopals position if he agreed? a Neither loss nor gain b Loss 1% c Gain 1% d Gain 0.5%

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Correct option c Gain 1% Explanation:Let cost price for Gopal = Rs. 100 He sold it to Ram at 10% profit. So his selling price = 100 + 10% of 100 = 100 + 10 = Rs. 110 Now if Ram resales it to Gopal at 10% loss his selling price = 110 – 10% of 110 = 110 – 11 = Rs. 99 As far as Gopal is concerned in this second transaction by buying a Rs. 100 pen at Rs 99 he registers a gain of 1%.

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