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On the hyperbola x2/a2 - y2/b2 = 1 P is a point and S is one of the foci. If the tangent at P the latus rectum through S and one of the asymptotes are concurrent then show that focal radius SP is parallel to the other asymptote.

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The tangent at Pa secθ  b tanθ  isx secθ/a - y tan θ/b = 1  ....1The latus rectum through S ae 0 isx = ae ...2The asymptote isx/a - y/b = 0y = b/ax   ...3The point of intersection of Eqs. 2 and 3 is ae be By hypothesis the point ae be lies on the tangent provided in Eq. 1 which implies thatesecθ - tanθ = 1e = seca secθ + tana secθ  ....4Now the slope of SP isUsing Eq. 4 we getwhich is the slope of the other asymptote x/a + y/b = 0

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