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Elucidate the chair sit and reach test for lower body flexibility.

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Purpose: To assess the lower body flexibility which is important for good posture for normal gait patterns and for various mobility tasks such as getting in and out of bath tub or car? Equipments required: Ruler a chair with straight back approximately 44 cm high. Procedure: The participant sits on the edge of the chair kept against a wall for safety purpose. One foot remains flat on the floor while the other leg should be extended remain forward with the knee straight. Heel should be on the floor and ankle should be bent at 900 . Place one hand on the top of the other with tips of the middle fingers evern. Instruct the participants to inhale and then as he exhales reach forward towards the toes by bending at the hip. His back should be straight and head up. Avoid any jerk or bounce and never stretch too much. Keep the knee straight and hold the reach for 2sec. the distance is measured between the tip of the finger tips and the toes. If the finger tips touch the toes then the score is zero. If they do not touch measure the distance between the fingers and the toes -ve score. If they overlap measure by how much +ve score.

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