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Elaborate the role of regular physical activity in maintaining functional fitness of aged population.

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No one can stop the clock of ageing but everyman can slow its tick with the help of physical activity. As a matter of fact physical activity can play a very significant role in maintaining functional fitness in aged population. Physical activity is the most powerful tool in the hands of aged persons that it can improve as well as maintain functional fitness of aged persons very effectively. With the help of physical activity they can perform daily routine work more efficiently. It makes the person move energetic and removes the signs of ageing. It can reverse the common signs of old age such as muscle and bone loss increased body fat memory and cognitive decline decreased metabolism decreased flexibility and decreased blood flow etc. it is well recognized fact that physical activity keeps the human body livelier fitter and in better condition for long years. Regular physical acitivity can protect the individual against a number of chronic diseases off old age. Regular physical activity helsp aged people to live healthier and more vigorous lives.Regular physical activity can play a very effective role in maintaining functional fitness but it should be implemented in a proper way. First of all the aged persons should consult to doctor regarding their level of physical fitness and health. The recommended amount of physical activity should be no more than their capacity. They must not feel tired on the following day. The physical activity prescription for aged persons should include aerobic muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises. The intensity and duration of physical activity should be low in ht beginning. Regular activity can play an effective role in maintaining functional fitness in aged population in the following ways: 1. Reduces the loss of muscle mass: Muscle mass deceases with advancing age. Ageing has a negative effect on metabolism. Regular physical activity decreases the loss of lean body mass and drop in the metabolic rate. Regular physical activity also reduces the accumulation of fats. 2. Helps in maintaining bone density: Bone density decreases with age. It usually leads to fracture and osteoporosis. Physical activity helps to maintain bone mass and prevents osteoporosis. Resistance exercise stimulated bone growth. Research studies show that the aged persons can increase their bone density with the help of regular exercise. 3. Slows down brain ageing: The regular physical activity reduces the risk of mild cognitive impairment. It is a condition characterized by memory and thinking problems. Mild cognitive impairment may lead to dematia later on. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing this problem in the first place. Regular physical activity improves memory and cognitive skills. It stimulates the growth of new nerve cells and builds new capillaries to supply the brain with more oxygen. 4. Reduces the risk of age-related diseases: Regular physical activity reduces the risk of a number of health problems many ageing persons face. Such health problems are type 2 diabetes obesity hypertension and heart diseases etc. regular physical activity decreases blood sugar level decreases LDL bad cholesterol increases HDL good cholesterol decreases blood pressure and decreases blood vessel stiffness. It can be alluded that physical exercise reduces the risk of diseases related with age. 5. Improves muscular strength: Ageing process does not hinder the individual’s ability to enhance muscle strength. Regular physical activity increases the strength of muscles. As a matter of fact physical activities increase the size of muscles which ultimately increases muscular strength. 6. Enhances the capacity of lungs: Regular physical activity enhances the capacity of lungs. It reduces the loss of elasticity of the lungs and chest wall. It also plays a key role in keeping the lungs strong. Regular physical activity increases oxygen uptake and oxygen exchange . 7. Improves flexibility: Regular physical activity improves the elasticity of tendons ligaments and joint capsules. Physical activity decreases the stiffness of joints. In this way there is improvement in flexibility. Aged persons can perform various functions which require flexibility. 8. Reduces stress and tension: Regular physical activity has a unique capacity to exhilarate and relax to depression and reduce stress and tension. In fact regular exercise reduces levels of body’s stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Regular physical activity also stimulates the production of endorphins the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators. Such benefits of physical activity help in maintaining functional fitness of aged persons. It can be concluded that regular physical activity can play a very effective role in maintaining functional fitness in aged population because it has ample benefits which usually help the aged persons

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