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What is fracture? What are the type of fracture?

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Bone injuries are usually caused by a direct blow to the bone either in a fall or a kick or a similar injury. There are many bones in our body. They all are attached to one or the other to make the skeletal. Each and every bone is important to our body. Each bone has its own movements and function. Some bones are smaller but some are big. Bones may be injured in one way or the other. Some of the bone injuries of the body are discussed here. 1. Fracture of a collarbone: Fractured collarbone is caused by direct blow to the collarbone or by blow to the shoulder by some external body. There are some sports where chances of bone injuries are more i.e. rugby karate judo or motorcycling. There is a lot of pain felt over the bone itself and the ends of the bone may be clearly visible under the skin. 2. Fracture of a radius bone: When radius bone is fractured it breaks one of the bones in the forearm which makes up part of the wrist joint. This is sometimes is also called colles fracture. It usually occurs in a fall on overstretched wrist eg. skating on road or ice skating. It is common in almost all sports. After a few hours of injury one feels pain on all movements of the wrist with swelling and bruising. 3. Scaphoid Fracture: Scaphoid fracture is a very similar mechanism of injury to radius fracture caused by a fall on outstretched hand. There is pain in “smuff box” depression on outer side of wrist. There may be swelling although not always. Pushing of wrist backwards is especially painful. It hurts when it moves.

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