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Calculate the heat of formation of acetic acid from the following data:CH3COOHl +2O2 g → 2CO2 g +2H2Ol ....iΔH= -207.9 kcalCs +O2 g →CO2 g ...iiΔH= -94.48 kcalH2g +1/2O2 g →H2Ol .....iiiΔH= -68.4 kcal

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The required equation is 2Cs +2H2g +O2 g= CH3COOHl: ΔH = ?This equation can be obtained by multiplying eq. ii by 2 and also eq. iii by 2 and adding both and finally subtracting eq. i.Second method: From eqs. ii and iiiEnthalpy of CO2 = -94.48 kcalEnthalpy of HO2 = - 68.4 kcalEnthalpy of O2 = 0 by convention∆H of eq. i = Enthalpies of products – Enthalpies of reactants

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