Electromagnetic radiation used to sterilise milk is 1 γ-ray 2 Radio-waves 3 X-ray4 UV rays
Correct option 4 UV raysExplanation:UV-rays are used for sterilization.
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Electromagnetic radiation used to sterilise milk is
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View Solutionwrite the following radiations in ascending order in respect of their frequencies: X-rays, microwaves, UV rays and radio waves.
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View SolutionWhat is an electromagnetic spectrum? Arrange the given electromagnetic radiations in the decreasing order of their frequencies. Infrared rays, X-rays, UV rays, gamma rays.
View Solution[" Wave length of UV "],[" radiation is."],[" Radio waves "],[" > IR waves "],[" O "
View SolutionElectromagnetic Spectrum|Radio waves|Micro Waves|Infrared|Visible Rays|Ultraviolet|X - Rays|Gamma Rays
View SolutionThe electromagnetic wave with highest wave number? (A) Micro (B) Visible (C) X-rays (D) UV-rays
View SolutionX-rays, which are invisible light as well as visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum gamma - There are rays, IR, UV rays, microwaves and radio waves. ' These are waves with higher wavelengths.
View SolutionArrange the following electromagnetic waves in decreasing, order of wavelength Radio waves, gamma - rays, ultraviolet waves and X - rays.
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