Transform the following sentences as directed without changing the meaning:Ashoka was one of the greatest kings. Into Positive
Very few kings were not as great as Ashoka.
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Gold is one of the costlist metals. (Into Positive)
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Will they hold a meeting (Into Assertive )
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(ii) Gandhiji was one of the greatest leaders of the world. (into positive degree)
View SolutionTransform the following sentences as directed without changing the meaning: Kolkata is the biggest city in India. (Into positive)
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No one likes to live here. (Into inerrogative)
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Can you repair this machine ? (Into Assertive)
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Who does not need wealth? (Into Assertive)
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This news is too good to be true. (Remove 'too')
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She is too slow to finish her work on time . (Remove 'too ')
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Suraj is speaking to a policeman. (Into Interrogative )
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We are too slow to catch the train. (Remove 'too')
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Sachin is the best player of the team. (Into Comparative)
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I love my country. (Into a negative sentence, without changing the meaning)
View SolutionRewrite the following sentences directed. Shivaji was one of the greatest warriors of India. (Change into comparative degree)
View SolutionIf the origin shifted to another point without changing the directions of axis then the transformation is called
View SolutionTransform the following sentences as directed within the brackets :
The sun rose and the fog dispersed. (Change into a simple sentence)
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Lata is better than most of the singers. (into positive sentence)
View SolutionTransform the following sentences as directed without changing the meaning :
(a) He is too honest to accpet a bribe. (Remove 'too' )
(b) What a beautiful flower it is (Into Assertuve)
(c ) He is one of the cleverest boys. (Into Comparative )
View SolutionTransform the following sentences as directed in the brackets: Man is mortal. (Negative sentence)
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