Test if the following equations are dimensionally correctwhere h = height S = surface tension p = density P = pressure V = volume η = coefficient of viscosity v = frequency and I = moment of inertia
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Test if the following equations are dimensionally correct:
(b). ,
where h height, S= surface tension, = density, P= pressure, V=volume, = coefficient of viscosity, v= frequency and I = moment of inertia.
View SolutionTest if the following equations are dimensionally correct:
(b). ,
where h height, S= surface tension, = density, P= pressure, V=volume, = coefficient of viscosity, v= frequency and I = moment of inertia.
View SolutionTest if the following equations are dimensionally correct:
a b. V=(pi P r^4t)/(8etal),v=(1)/(2pi) sqrt(mgl)/(I)rhoeta = coefficient of viscosity, v= frequency and I = moment of inertia.
View Solutionजाँच करें की इनमे से कौन-से समीकरण विमीय दृष्टि से सही हैं?
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
जहाँ h = ऊँचाई, S = पृष्ठ-तनाव, = घनत्व, p = दाब, V = आयतन, = श्यानता गुणांक, v = आवृत्ति एवं I = जड़त्व-आघूर्ण।
View SolutionTest if the following equation is dimensionally correct: where h= height, S= surface tension, p= density, r=radius, and g= acceleration due to gravity.
View SolutionCheck whether the following relations are dimensionally correct : (a) V = (pi pr^(4))/(8 eta l) (b) h = (2 s)/(rho rg) (c ) T = 2 pi sqrt((I)/(MB)) (d) v = (E)/(B) Where V: volume, p: pressure, r: radius, eta: coefficient of viscosity, l: length, h: height, s: surface tension, rho: density, g: acceleration due to gravity, I: moment of inertia, M: magnetic moment, B: magnetic field, v: speed and E: electric field.
View SolutionIf the velocity of surface wave (v) depends upon surface tension (T), coefficient of viscosity (eta) and density (rho) then the expression for v will be .
View SolutionTest if following equation is equation is dimensionally correct v=(1)/(2pi)sqrt((mgl)/(1)) where, v = frequency, I =moment of inertia, m= mass, l= lengh, g= acc. Due to gravity.
View Solutionदी गयी समीकरण , में दाब, V= आयतन, परमताप तथा a,b नियतांक है तो a का विमीय सूत्र होगा।
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View SolutionIf plank's constent (h) , surface tension (s) and moment of inertia (I) are taken as fundamental quantities, then dimensions of linear momentum (p) will be given as
View SolutionIn equation the, a,b will be ..... Where P= Pressure V= Volume and T= Temperature .
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View Solutionthe equation ( p + ( a )/( v ^(2))) (V-b)= In a constant, where p is the pressure and V is the volume of the gas, the unit of a is:
View SolutionConsidering the pressure p to be proportional to the density, find the pressure p at a height h if the pressure on the surface of the earth is .
View SolutionIf Surface tension (S), Moment of Inertia (I) and Planck’s constant (h), were to be taken as the fundamental units, the dimensional formula for linear momentum would be :
View SolutionIf Surface tension (S), Moment of Inertia (I) and Planck’s constant (h), were to be taken as the fundamental units, the dimensional formula for linear momentum would be :
View Solutionवायु में ध्वनि का वेग v, वायुदाब P एवं घनत्व d पर निर्भर करता है। विमीय विधि से ध्वनि के वेग v के लिये न्यूटन के सूत्र की स्थापना कीजिए।
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