A popular game in Indian villages is goli which is played with small glass balls called golis. The goli of one player is situated at a distance of 2.0 m from the goli of the second player. This second player has to project his goli by keeping the thumb of the left hand at the place of his goli holding the goli between his two middle fingers and making the throw. If the projected goli hits the goli of the first player the second player wins. If the height from which the goli is projected is 19.6 cm from the ground and the goli is to be projected horizontally with what speed should it be projected so that it directly hits the stationary goli without falling on the ground earlier ?
The goli move like a projectile
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A popular game in Indian villages is goli which is played with small glass balls called golis. The goli of one player is situatted at a distance of 2.0 m from the goli of the second player. This second player has to project his goli by keeping the thumb of the left hand at the place of his goli, holding the goli between his two middlefilngers and making the throw. If he projected is 19.6 cm from the ground and the goli is to be projected horizontally, with what speed shold it be projected so that it directly hits the stationary goli without falling on the ground earlier?
View SolutionA popular game in Indian villages is goli which is played with small glass balls called golis. The goli of one player is situatted at a distance of 2.0 m from the goli of the second player. This second player has to project his goli by keeping the thumb of the left hand at the place of his goli, holding the goli between his two middlefilngers and making the throw. If he projected is 19.6 cm from the ground and the goli is to be projected horizontally, with what speed shold it be projected so that it directly hits the stationary goli without falling on the ground earlier?
View SolutionThis game is played using marbles called kancha or goli. There are various version ranging from easy to more complained ones. Basically the players need to his the selected target Kancha using their own marbles and the winner takes the Kancha of rest of the players. In this game what is target to hit ?
View SolutionThis game is played using marbles called kancha or goli. There are various version ranging from easy to more complained ones. Basically the players need to his the selected target Kancha using their own marbles and the winner takes the Kancha of rest of the players. What is called marbles?
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View Solutionगोली (या कंचा) के खेल में शीशे से बनी गोलियों से खिलाडी खेलते है । दो खिलड़ियों , A तथा B , की गोलियॉं एक-दूसरे से 2.0 m की दुरी पर ज़मीन पर पड़ी है । B अपनी गोली के स्थान पर दाएँ उंगलियों के बीच पकड़ता है । इस समय गोली ज़मीन से 19. 6 cm ऊपर है । अब उसे उंगली को ऐसा झटका देना है कि उसकी गोली जाकर ज़मीन पर पड़ी A की गोली को टक्कर मार दे । यदि B अपनी गोली को क्षैतिज दिशा में वेग u देता है और गोली बिना ज़मीन पर पहले गिरे सीधी A की गोली से टकराती है , तो u का मान बताएं ।
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